Wahlpflichtbereich 2 (Elective Courses: Technology Electives)

ModuleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Digital Work: Challenges and SolutionsFach-/Modulprüfung5380069
Vorlesung379537Mo 08:15-17:30 004 (1830|004) (×1)
Di 08:15-17:30 004 (1830|004) (×1)
Mi 08:15-17:30 004 (1830|004) (×1)
Do 08:15-17:30 004 (1830|004) (×1)
Fr 08:15-17:30 004 (1830|004) (×1)
Engineering, Culture and SocietyFach-/Modulprüfung5367906
Seminar312515Di 08:00-18:00 S01 (1385|201) (×1)
Mi 08:00-18:00 S01 (1385|201) (×1)
Do 08:00-18:00 S01 (1385|201) (×1)
Fr 08:00-18:00 S01 (1385|201) (×1)
Flood and Coastal ProtectionFach-/Modulprüfung5368663
Flood Risk ManagementFach-/Modulprüfung3351700
Global Changes and Sustainable DevelopmentFach-/Modulprüfung4351713
Industrial Engineering and ErgonomicsFach-/Modulprüfung5351265
Industrial LogisticsFach-/Modulprüfung5351866
Vorlesung/Übung278969Di 10:30-12:00 EICe Atrium (4732|110) (×3)
Di 10:30-12:00 EICe Raum 1 (4732|116) (×2)
Di 10:30-12:00 Extern (×6)
Di 12:15-13:45 EICe Atrium (4732|110) (×3)
Di 12:15-13:45 EICe Raum 1 (4732|116) (×2)
Di 12:15-13:45 Extern (×6)
Vorlesung/Übung278969Di 10:30-12:00 EICe Atrium (4732|110) (×3)
Di 10:30-12:00 EICe Raum 1 (4732|116) (×2)
Di 10:30-12:00 Extern (×6)
Di 12:15-13:45 EICe Atrium (4732|110) (×3)
Di 12:15-13:45 EICe Raum 1 (4732|116) (×2)
Di 12:15-13:45 Extern (×6)
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems in Water and Energy ManagementFach-/Modulprüfung4351712
Vorlesung283097Di 11:45-13:15 ZuseLab C4 (2315|201) (×12)
Machine ToolsFach-/Modulprüfung5351339
Manufacturing Technology IFach-/Modulprüfung5351341
Manufacturing Technology IIFach-/Modulprüfung5351356
Vorlesung281500Di 08:30-10:00 H05 (1385|105) (×13)
Übung282799Di 14:30-16:00 H05 (1385|105) (×13)
Principles of Data AnalysisFach-/Modulprüfung5375788
Principles of Data MiningFach-/Modulprüfung5375783
Principles of Power ElectronicsFach-/Modulprüfung5351937
Production Management AFach-/Modulprüfung5353077
Quality ManagementFach-/Modulprüfung5351349
Sustainability Assessment - Methods and ToolsFach-/Modulprüfung351711
Seminar283113Mi 12:00-16:00 AH VI (2356|051) (×1)
Mi 16:30-18:00 AH V (2356|050) (×9)
Do 08:00-13:30 BS 218 (2130|218) (×1)
Vorlesung283112Do 14:30-16:00 AH I (2350|028) (×10)